Stock Market Game Win Real Money

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  2. Stock Market Contests For Money
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  4. Win Real Money Playing Games

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Stock Market Basics is your source for everything you need to make an investment strategy that fits your goals!

I was the typical investor in my early 20s. I started investing in the stock market while serving in the Marine Corps, spending hours every week listening to stock market news and stock tips.

I traded in and out of my stock picks and ended up under-performing the return on the market by a wide margin.

It seems I’m not alone in losing the stock market game due to bad investing decisions and relying on analysis from investing ‘experts’ on TV. The average investor earned an annual return of just 2.6% on a stock and bond portfolio over the ten years through 2013. That’s compared to returns of over 7% on stocks and nearly 5% on bonds.

Click through to find out how to actually WIN the stock market game and the strategy you can use to win in a lot of other games in life!

Why is it so hard to break bad investing habits and win the stock market game? Even when we know we shouldn’t be trading in and out of stocks or gambling in high-risk penny stocks, we just can’t seem to help ourselves.

I almost gave up on stock investing and sold my stocks

I ended up giving up on my stocks for a few years in my late 20s, putting all my retirement savings in index funds. This wasn’t the solution either. The funds invested blindly in indexes and always underperformed by at least the management fees.

I also found out that I liked investing and following the stock market. Putting everything in index funds was boring and felt a little like giving up the fate of my financial goals to some fund manager I would never meet.

There had to be a better way to play the stock market game without stock trading and losing to the same investor mistakes.

The answer is simple – investing can be easy if you understand the stock market basics!

FREE WEBINAR – Discover how to create a personal investing plan and beat your goals in less than an hour. Step-by-step to the Goals-Based Investing Strategy I developed while working in private wealth management.

Getting Back to the Stock Market Basics

I started working for a few local financial advisors on a freelance basis, researching companies and writing investor newsletters. I loved being a part of people’s financial planning and helping them understand investing.

I started studying for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 2009 to get more involved in investment analysis and get a job with bigger Wall Street investment managers. The CFA designation is the gold standard in professional ethics and analysis for investment analysts and asset managers. It consists of three six-hour exams over three years with each year’s curriculum in the thousands of pages.

I’ve got two undergraduate degrees and a Master’s in Business but the CFA exams were by far the hardest tests I’ve ever taken.

When I started working for Wall Street investment firms and a Canadian Venture Capital firm, I learned something most investors never suspect. To earn higher returns for their clients, most successful asset managers use little more than the stock market basics!

I still had to do detailed financial statement analysis when writing stock research reports but the ultimate decision to invest client money always came back to a few basic investing rules.

My Stock Market Basics is Your Source for Investing Advice to Win the Stock Market Game

I now work mostly through my blogs but I still write for several investment newsletters and advisors. I created this blog to share my experience in investing and the stock market basics that will help you make better investing decisions.

You won’t find overly-complicated analysis about stocks or how to trade your way to big returns. You won’t find any short-term strategies to make a quick investing profit. What you will find is solid advice on how to create your own personal investing plan and where to find the best investments to meet your goals.

Check out a few of the articles below to get started in understanding the stock market basics. Check out some of our investing books and courses. I’ve put more than a decade of professional investing experience into a few books and video courses to give you the tools to get started investing.

  • Tired of Investing Fees? Check out the Investing Apps I Use here!
  • Learn how to protect your portfolio in a stock market crash
  • Download this investing spreadsheet to track your portfolio!

I share my stocks and all my investments right here

I don’t just use stock market basics to tell other investors what to do like so many other investing blogs. I use these same stock market rules to invest my own money and I share my investments with readers.

One of the most exciting investments I’ve found over the last few years is real estate crowdfunding. I started my professional career as a real estate analyst and later invested in single family rental properties. Real estate investing is far from the passive income investment many people make it out to be but still a great way to diversify your portfolio and earn double-digit returns.

I’ve reviewed several real estate crowdfunding sites, some that I like and on which I invest, and others that I don’t recommend. Crowdfunding offers a lot of great benefits and real estate return to investors but not all platforms are created equal.

Don’t forget to check out our personal finance channel on YouTube, Let’s Talk Money! You’ll find everything you need to beat debt, make more money and make your money work for you.

Stock Market Basics is the Main Street Investors’ Blog

I’ve done well with my stocks and investing over the years but I still keep to the basics in investing. I’ve seen the complicated Wall Street stock trading programs, I’ve helped put some of them together while working with advisors, but the basics are all you really need to make money in stocks.

How to win stock market game

Check out some of the investing ideas on the blog and you’ll see what I mean. You can watch CNBC or read other investing blogs and get a hundred ideas an hour but you’ll only lose money to stock trading fees and bad investments.

We talk about the bigger ideas here on My Stock Market Basics, like how to get the free money and how to invest for the long-term.-->

Winning the stock market game is possible but not how most investors go about it.

It’s no secret that investors are notorious for under-performing the stock market, realizing returns far below the general market. Data for the ten years through 2013 shows that the average investor earned an annual return of just 2.6% compared to a return of 7.4% for stocks and 4.6% for bonds.

In hindsight, we know why we lose. Investors chase high-flying stocks they hear about on TV only to realize they must have been the last to jump on the bandwagon as the price comes crashing down. Panic sets in and the investor sells out of the stock just before it levels off or stages a rebound.

So why is it so hard to win the stock market game? Why can’t investors conquer their bad habits and earn a better return on their investments?

The answer is because most investors are playing the wrong game!

I’ve got one of the best analogies for investing I’ve ever heard to help you beat the stock market. Check out how investing is like playing tennis and some of the tips below but don’t forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page for an easy-to-follow infographic that explains it all!

FREE WEBINAR – Discover how to create a personal investing plan and beat your goals in less than an hour. Step-by-step to the Goals-Based Investing Strategy I developed while working in private wealth management.

Let’s look at the game of tennis. Tennis is truly a game of contrast, you are either really good or really horrible, and your skill level determines your strategy for winning the game.

Two professionals playing the game will need to do everything they can to score points. They each know that the other will make few mistakes so the key to victory will be in taking risky shots for the ace.

By comparison, when my wife and I play tennis, the strategy is very different. I can try for the risky shots and get lucky on a few but, more often than not, the ball is going to go soaring over the fence and I’ll be running after it. Since it’s more fun to return the ball back as hard as possible, practicing my best guttural grunt as if I were John McEnroe, I make a lot of these errors and my wife usually wins.

She knows the key to winning this amateurs’ game is to just concentrate on getting the ball back over the net…and making the fewest mistakes.

It turns out, winning the stock market game is a lot like winning in tennis.

Want to know one of my favorite investment strategies? These types of stocks have beaten others by a big margin every year and put cash in your pocket at the same time. I’m talking about dividend stocks and there is no better way to invest your money.

Check out Step-by-Step Dividend Investing for everything you need to know about finding great stocks that will help you win the stock market game and earn monthly cash flow. Get this special discounted price of just $3.99 on Amazon Kindle or in paperback.

The Professionals’ Stock Market Game

I’ll detail how to win the stock market game playing by playing like an amateur in a bit. First, let’s look at the professionals’ game at investing.

Professional money managers are measured against the rest of the managers in their investing style. Around the beginning of the year, you’ll see rankings come out placing managers among the ‘median’ return for their group.

Since everyone is constantly trying to score a few extra percentage points to put them above the median, the professionals’ stock market game is about taking risks to beat your comparison index.

It turns out that even the professionals have a tough time playing their own stock market game. Data from 2012 mutual fund performance shows that just 39% of professional fund managers beat their index while the average fund return actually trailed the stock market (S&P 500) by a percent after fees.

If the average fund return was 15% and nearly 40% of managers beat their index, there’s a good chance that a lot of ‘professionals’ lagged the rest of the market by a wide margin.

Why? Because they are making big bets and losing big when those bets don’t pay off. They’re trying to serve an ace but hitting the ball into the bleachers!

Before we get to those four rules to win the stock market game, understand that a big part of it is NOT LOSING MONEY! Anyone can make money when stocks are rising. It’s the crash-proof portfolio that will keep you from losing your heard-earned returns.

Part of a crash-proof portfolio is investing in different assets and few are better for diversifying your portfolio than real estate. Not only does property cash flow like no other, you get protection from the ups-and-downs of stocks!

Stock Market Game Win Real Money Slots

FREE Report!See the 5 Biggest Stock Positions in My Portfolio! Five stocks I’m investing in for the biggest trends of the next decade! Don’t Miss this Free Report – Click Here!

How to Win the Amateurs’ Stock Market Game

By comparison, most of us won’t face losing our job if our investment returns fall short of the ‘average’ investor. We only need to avoid making the big mistakes and meet our long-term financial goals.

Just as my wife doesn’t have to play like Steffi Graf to beat me at tennis, you don’t have to invest like a pro to win the stock market game.

Use these four strategies to win the amateurs’ game in the stock market.

1) Winning the Stock Market Game with Diversification

The most important amateur’s trick to winning the stock market game is diversification. This means having a mix of investments that react differently to the economy and the stock market. Bonds and stocks rise and fall differently because bonds are a contract for fixed payments while stocks are only an ownership stake in potential profits.

Even within stocks, different companies react differently to the business cycle. Stocks of utility companies do better when the economy isn’t doing well and interest rates are falling. Stocks of retailers do better when the economy is humming along and people are buying lots of stuff.

The idea behind diversification is that, no matter what the economy does, your investments will make a smooth path higher. Some individual investments will fall as others rise but your overall wealth will increase and you won’t suffer the big losses that lead to panic-selling. I put together an easy table of four major asset classes and 12 different groups of investments in another post to make sure you get the diversification you need.

Diversifying your investments means investing in more than just stocks and bonds. No other investment has created as much family wealth as real estate and property is great for protecting your portfolio.

For most investors, investing directly in real estate isn’t a good idea. It can costs hundreds of thousands just to buy a few properties and you still won’t be diversified across property types and regions. Real estate crowdfunding allows you to invest as little as $1,000 in individual properties to build a well-rounded portfolio. You also get professional management of your properties and low fees.

I follow several real estate platforms to get access to as many deals as possible. It costs nothing extra to have an account on more than one crowdfunding site and you’ll be able to invest in more deals.

Streitwise is a unique real estate crowdfunding platform I’ve been following that is a new twist on REIT investing. Many of the crowdfunding sites are still only open to wealthy investors but the Streitwise real estate fund is open to everyone.

The Streitwise 1st Streit Office REIT invests in high-quality office properties and as of the date of this video, has paid a 10% annualized dividend. The fund is managed by seasoned real estate professionals that have acquired or managed over $5.4 billion in property and across all property types.

2) Keep your Investing Fees Low

Mutual funds charge an average 1.4% a year to pay their managers and overhead cost. Add in a fee for buying or selling the fund and you could need a decent annual return just to break even. You won’t pay annual fees for holding individual stocks but the commissions for buying and selling will add up.

Fidelity reports the average investor on its invest platform makes 77 trades a year. That could cost you upwards of $770 a year in fees even on the cheapest discount brokers.

The solution…don’t sell your stocks! Invest in companies with products that people love and that will be around forever, and then hold the investment until you need the money in retirement. You’ll save on fees and will avoid a lot of the bad investing habits that lose money.

This one isn’t as much a problem since the major investing sites switched to no-fee but you still have to watch those hidden fees. That’s why I invest on Webull, one of the first no-fee platforms and a no hidden fees guarantee.

3) Amateurs in the Stock Market Game don’t use Margin

If you don’t know what investing margin is, you’re already on your way to winning the stock market game. Margin is basically a loan your broker gives you to buy more stocks than you can afford. You’ll pay interest on the borrowed money but can increase your return as long as your investments pay off.

Unfortunately, you’ll set yourself up for big losses if stocks fall. Lose 10% on your $5,000 portfolio and you are only down $500. Lose 10% on that same portfolio margined to $10,000 and you’ll lose more than $1,000 with interest.

Investing on margin can be extremely tempting. What could be better than finding that next hot stock and getting triple-digit returns on borrowed money? It’s a trap though and one of the fastest ways to lose your money.

4) Getting the Easy Points in the Stock Market Game

The easiest money you’ll ever make in the stock market game is the free money you get from your company’s 401(k) match and from tax savings on retirement accounts. I know it sucks to have your money locked away in an account until you’re 59 ½ but so many people turn down free money by not maxing out their 401(k) or IRA contributions.

If your company matches $0.50 for every dollar you invest in your 401(k), you’ve instantly got a 50% return! If you pay 25% on income taxes, you could invest $1,000 in a retirement account or pay the taxes and only have $750 left to invest in a regular account.

If a lot of the tips for playing the amateur strategy in the stock market game sound like my recent Top 10 Investing Basics for New Investors, there’s good reason for it. It’s only when investors try to boost their returns with complex strategies that they make the big mistakes that ultimately lose money.

The beauty of the stock market game is that you can pick your match. You’re free to play the professionals’ game, analyzing stocks daily for the slimmest of chances at a few extra percentage points. You’re also free to play the amateurs’ game, investing for the long-term win on making fewer mistakes. It’s your decision, just make sure you know which game you’re playing.

Do you YouTube? Join the community on YouTube – Check out the Let’s Talk Money YouTube Channel.

Here’s that infographic I promised on beating the stock market. I confess, I’m not a graphic designer but I’m proud of this one. Feel free to share it or use it on your site, please just include a link to


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The Only Way to Win the Stock Market Game

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  • Invest across different asset classes and in different investments within each asset to reduce risk
  • Lose less money to investing fees by using annual rebalancing and avoid selling investments
  • Do not borrow money to invest, it’s an investment time-bomb waiting to blow
  • Get all the free investing money through tax deductions and special programs

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Stop trying to beat the stock market and understand what’s really important in investing. You’ll actually ‘beat’ the average investor by playing with your rules and by reducing your risk with diversification, saving money on fees, not borrowing to invest and getting the free money. It’s the only way to win the stock market game!